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about me

About me…


Those two words can “stop me right in my tracks”. It really makes me ask myself, “who am I?, what is “about me” really asking?” Because every time I go to write about me and explain to the audience that I am hoping is interested, I’ve changed just enough to think…. Oh that’s not who I am anymore or I have grown since then.


Certainly some things have not changed, but the things are the same things, are the same things, the same story for everyone: I grew up in____, studied art at _____, Always loved to draw since I was _____, Moved to______ where I now reside with____ and now look at me…. 


But that is not who I am and its really not about me. 

I am a constant fluid bundle of energy contained within this wonderful and sometimes not so wonderful vehicle we call a body. But again that’s not me either. That’s everybody. 


So about me

I am a creator. It really does not matter what I am given with which to create because the joy and sense of purpose I experience and the process of creation gives me life. I believe after all these years of writing “about me”  I have come to realize that creating is life and when I create I am filling me with life. 

However since I am somewhat limited and contained by time and space, I choose to narrow my creative tools and outlets with the intention to become really good at what I choose to do for my work.

My deepest driving passion is to express myself through the use of paints, charcoal, encaustic wax on paper, canvas and wood substrates. I love mark making! It is the truest connection I have with my inner child, the creative force that drove me to want to pursue the arts in the first place. I want to always be in touch with that inner child as she will guide me to be the most authentic and expressive.The inner child will always reveal honesty and autonomy when given freedom to speak.

Expressing and art making isn’t always about beauty or what is desirable,  it’s also about the ugly, the undesirable, It’s about the image and messages that are stirred within us, as the artist and as the viewer. 

I used to be all about making nice pictures, pretty pictures. Sometimes I still do. But now I am more connected with my inner self & child and less afraid to express what is true and meaningful to me.

I am more interested now about creating images that mean and reflect the moment. Sometimes it is the moment of the abundant beauty that surrounds us in nature. So I am moved to paint that beauty in florals or landscapes.

Sometimes its the human condition that I am interested in, the way life effects us individually and globally. I am currently painting the figure in abstract expressive gestures to capture the ever changing, evolving, emotional process of the human condition. 

I do love color and am grateful for the gift to see and feel color in ways that are so intuitive. I am moved emotionally by the subtleties of black & white. I am excited by strong value contrasts of light and darks. 


Now for the rest of the story.

I was born in Charlottesville Virginia. Came by two very talented & creative parents. Surrounded by music, art and cooking. Raised by creeks, tadpoles and wild flowers. Studied pottery in my first year of college. Thought I would go into some field of science until it became painfully apparent that math was not my strength.

Moved to South Florida and continued to be nurtured by the ocean, tropical lush balmy weather and salt life. Continued my studies & graduated from The Art Institute of Ft. Lauderdale. I have been on my art journey ever since. Raised two spectacular children who are constant source of joy and amazement. Worked with private clients doing faux finishes and murals, worked for art galleries, for profit and non profits. Taught adult & children art classes at art galleries and children’s centers. 

Moved to Hendersonville NC and am still on my personal art journey. Still teach art classes in two locations, at my downtown class room and my home studio. As an art instructor and mentor I guide my participants to find & nurture their artistic voice and express that inner child.

I am part of the Blue Ridge Craft Trails, which represents artists in the region of all Western North Carolina.

My work is represented by Up Against the Wall Gallery in Kingsport TN. 


Thank you for taking the time to know me.


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